Parish Groups

Altar Servers
Marg Cocks

Baptism Team
1st Monday of Month meeting
Maurie & Angela Finn 0417 103 127

Bereavement Group
Parish Office 5852 1026

Catholics Returning Home
Mary Zobec 0427 190 282

Catholic Care Sandhurst
Head Office 176-178 McCrae Street, Bendigo - 5438 1300
Shepparton Office - 5820 0444

Church Cleaning
Volunteer cleaning on 1st Saturday of each month at 9.30am

Finance Committee 
Wayne Mulcahy (Chair), James Harris, John Zobec, Mary Zobec

Funeral Arrangements
Mary Zobec 0427 190 282 or Parish Office 5852 1026

Grounds Maintenance
School 5851 3000

Liturgy Group
Responsible for enhancing the liturgy at Eucharistic celebrations.
Parish Office 5852 1026

Ministry Rosters, Lectors (Readers),  Special Ministers
Lisa Ratcliffe 0419 112 540

Music Ministry
Mary Zobec 0427 190 282 or Brendon Lane 0431 295 660

Tim Campbell (St Augustine's College, Kyabram) and Jackie Stockdale (St Patrick's School, Tongala)

Parish Pastoral Council (PPC)  
Fr Uday Marneni ALCP/OSS (Parish Priest), Alana Brennan (Chairperson), Tim Campbell, Mary D'Augello, Carl Cabaraban, Natalie Watt, Jackie Stockdale, Jay Sutton

New Parishioners
Parish Office 5852 1026

Pastoral Assistant 
Mary Zobec 0427 190 282

Prayer Group
Mary Zobec 0427 190 282

Prayer Line For anyone in need of immediate support through prayer.
Mary Zobec 0427 190 282
Parish Office 5852 1026

Sacramental Program
Parish Office 5852 1026

Social Justice
Position available 5852 1026

RCIA For persons enquiring to join the Catholic church or existing Catholics to renew their knowledge of the faith.
Annette Ryan 0408 502 858

St Vincent de Paul
Personal/family assistance 5853 2473
Shop/Centre 111 Allan St Kyabram 5852 2874

Visitation Support
Visitation support to isolated/lonely personsin their homes and Home CommunionParish Office 5852 1026

Transport to Mass
For any person requiring assistance to get to Mass Contact Parish Office 5852 1026