Welcome to Kyabram Catholic Parish

Parish Priest – Fr Uday Marneni ALCP/OSS

Mass Times

Saturday: 2nd and 4th of the month at 6:00pm 

Sunday:  8:30am
Tuesday: 5:00pm
Thursday: 9:15am

Anointing Mass: 
1st Thursday of the month, 10:00am

1st Sunday of the month at 11.30am

3rd Sunday of the month at 12.00pm


Printed Parish Bulletin

To help parishioners who are unable to attend Mass or do not have access to our online bulletin,
hard copies of the weekly bulletin can be collected from the front porch of the presbytery.



News and Events

Paschal Candle discussion with St Augustine's students
Paschal Candle discussion with St Augustine's students

Paschal Candle discussion with St Augustine's students

Fr Uday Marneni recently had the pleasure to speak to St Augustine's Year 1 and 2 students, on the symbolism of the Paschal Candle. The students then had lots of questions for him. This was a lovely opportunity for Father Uday to get to know some of the young people in our parish while they got to spend some quality time in the church..

Congratulation and welcome
Congratulation and welcome

Congratulation and welcome

It is with great joy that at the Easter Vigil we welcomed Belinda Fitzpatrick into our Catholic Faith and Parish Community. Belinda received the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and First Eucharist. We offer our prayers and best wishes for Belinda and her family. 

Stations of the Cross Working Bee
Stations of the Cross Working Bee

Stations of the Cross Working Bee

A Big Thank you to all the volunteers who helped with the Stations of the Cross working bee on Monday.
A special thank you to Hans Van Vlodrop who guided, assisted and will continue with the restoration process. 

God bless you all.
Fr. John 

Mary Bowmans 90th Birthday Celebration
Mary Bowmans 90th Birthday Celebration

Mary Bowmans 90th Birthday Celebration

After Sunday Mass on 8 January, it was the pleasure of the people of St Augustine’s Kyabram, to honour esteemed parishioner, Mary Bowman, for her 90th birthday, with morning tea with cake in the church’s gathering space. This was a great opportunity to acknowledge Mary’s lifelong faith-filled service to the parish and school community – and indeed the wider community and district.


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