Welcome to Kyabram Catholic Parish

Parish Priest – Fr Uday Marneni ALCP/OSS




Mass Times

Saturday: 2nd and 4th of the month at 6:00pm EDT (5pm EST)

Sunday:  8:30am
Tuesday: 4:00pm Rosary, Mass 4:15pm

Thursday: 9:15am

Anointing Mass: 
1st Thursday of the month, 10:00am

1st Sunday of the month at 11.30am

Printed Parish Bulletin

To help parishioners who are unable to attend Mass or do not have access to our online bulletin,
hard copies of the weekly bulletin can be collected from the front porch of the presbytery.



News and Events

Planned Giving Thank You
Kyabram Parish Office
/ Categories: News and Events

Planned Giving Thank You

Thank you to our generous givers for your ongoing support of our Parish!

Our Planned Giving and collections are for -parish operating expenses, churches maintenance, clergy support and presbytery support. If you are a new parishioner or now in a position to give there are many ways to give to our church needs.

Giving is by way of church envelopes, direct debit or periodic credit card payments and is flexible to suit your preference of weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly, and half yearly or yearly. You can also give without a set pledge amount or timeframe to give by.

We encourage anyone who is not on the Planned Giving Program to contact Fr. John. Thank you for considering this option to support our Parish.


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