News and Events

Harvest Mass

Harvest Mass

WELCOME to the celebration, thanksgiving and sharing of the harvest – just as Jesus and his people celebrated, gave thanks and shared in the “Feast of Ingathering” or the “Feast of Tabernacles.” People may like to join Saturday evening’s entry procession and lay their items of non-perishables like a can, jar, or packet, at the altar for the St. Vincent DePaul Society to distribute. After Saturday Mass, please feel free to swap and share items of produce from the trading table. And, of course, do stay for our supper following Mass. Thank you to everyone who has helped and given to make our harvest celebration enjoyable.  

God, giver of all life, blessed are you in the fruits of the earth, in the sowing of seed and the work of human hands, in the harvest of human creativity.

God of the poor and hungry, blessed are you in the striving for justice,  in the fragility of peace-making, in the generosity of care for those in need.

God of the great feast and the simple meal, blessed are you in the grace of hospitality, in the breaking and sharing, blessed are you in our daily bread.  Amen

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