Welcome to Kyabram Catholic Parish

Parish Priest – Fr Uday Marneni ALCP/OSS

Mass Times

Saturday: 2nd and 4th of the month at 6:00pm 

Sunday:  8:30am
Tuesday: 5:00pm
Thursday: 9:15am

Anointing Mass: 
1st Thursday of the month, 10:00am

1st Sunday of the month at 11.30am

3rd Sunday of the month at 12.00pm


Printed Parish Bulletin

To help parishioners who are unable to attend Mass or do not have access to our online bulletin,
hard copies of the weekly bulletin can be collected from the front porch of the presbytery.



News and Events

Farewell to Fr John Paul Pasala
Farewell to Fr John Paul Pasala

Farewell to Fr John Paul Pasala

This weekend we farewelled Fr John Paul Pasala.  We thank him for the 3 years of service to our parish and we wish him all the best in his new parish.  God bless you always Fr John Paul and be assured of our prayers.  You will be missed.

A Christmas Message from Bishop Shane Mackinlay
A Christmas Message from Bishop Shane Mackinlay

A Christmas Message from Bishop Shane Mackinlay

In early November, I was meant to be attending a conference in Jerusalem.  Like so many other events and pilgrimages, it had to be rearranged following the brutal attack on Israel by Hamas fighters, and the subsequent military action by Israel in Gaza.  Of course, the inconvenience for people like me is completely insignificant by comparison with the ongoing suffering and loss caused by the violence for those who are caught in it.  Sadly, as is so often the case, those who are suffering most are civilians, including women, children and the elderly.

So, as our thoughts turn to Bethlehem again this Christmas, there is a great sense of sadness at the suffering of those who live in the land where Jesus lived, and at how difficult it is to imagine peace in the place where Jesus’ birth was acclaimed by the angels as giving glory to God and bringing peace on earth.

As well as the Holy Land, there are many other places where violence and conflict continue this year: the people of Ukraine continue to bravely resist Russia’s invasion, and armed conflict of one kind or another continues to inflict great suffering in places like Sudan, Myanmar and Colombia.

At Christmas we celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace.  At least part of why that is so important for us is because we are aware of how much we need peace, and of how difficult it is to find peace and to build it up.  In our own families and communities, we all know of situations where division, hurt and mistrust have grown up, leading to animosity or even separation.  So when we come together at Christmas, we experience tension and disappointment alongside the joy and excitement of gathering together.  More broadly, the failure of the Voice referendum this year has highlighted divisions in our national community, and perhaps even made them worse.  We will only be able to build reconciliation and justice if we renew our commitment to ensuring that each person in our community is valued and respected, that their voice is heard, and that practical actions are taken to respond to the needs around us.

We are about to celebrate Jesus’ birth, which is always an occasion of great joy and hope.  We celebrate the faithful love of our God, who cares so much for us that he comes to enter fully into our lives, taking on our very flesh and blood.  We celebrate the peace that he proclaimed and we acknowledge our need for God to build that peace in our hearts and in our world.

So, as we celebrate Jesus’ birth at Christmas, we are also invited to recommit ourselves to carrying on his unfinished mission, remembering that the God who sent him amongst us also raised him from the dead, and continues to walk faithfully with us, asking us to shape our world ever more into one where his love and peace is known and celebrated, and where all people are recognised as his beloved sons and daughters.

I wish each of you and those you love the joy, peace, and hope of this Christmas season.
Most Rev. Shane Mackinlay
Bishop of Sandhurst

Christmas Mass times
Christmas Mass times

Christmas Mass times

Saturday 9 December - 6pm Thanksgiving Mass and celebration for volunteers and formal farewell to Fr John Pasala with gathering after Mass

Tuesday 12 December – 6pm Communal reconciliation.  Followed by a cuppa.

Saturday 23 December – 6pm

Sunday 24 December - 8.30am

Sunday 24 December - 6pm Carols, 6.30pm Mass

Monday 25 December - 9am



Palm Sunday - 2 April at 8.30am Kyabram and 11.30am Tongala.
Mass of the Oils – Tuesday 4 April 11am Bendigo
Holy Thursday – 6 April 7pm

Ecumenical Church Service at Memorial Park - 7th April 10.00am
Good Friday - 7 April 3pm
Easter Vigil - 8 April 6pm

Easter Sunday - 9 April 8.30am
Divine Mercy Sunday - 16 April 8.30am followed by Devotions

Fr. John-Paul Away During February - Welcome Fr. Michael Grace
Fr. John-Paul Away During February - Welcome Fr. Michael Grace

Fr. John-Paul Away During February - Welcome Fr. Michael Grace

We wish Fr John a safe trip to India from the 30th of January until the 4th of March.
Fr Michael Grace will assist us while Fr John is away.

Please note that there will be no Saturday night mass during the month of February.
Also, no Masses will be celebrated in Tongala and Merrigum During February. 


Stations of the Cross Working Bee
Stations of the Cross Working Bee

Stations of the Cross Working Bee

A Big Thank you to all the volunteers who helped with the Stations of the Cross working bee on Monday.
A special thank you to Hans Van Vlodrop who guided, assisted and will continue with the restoration process. 

God bless you all.
Fr. John 

Planned Giving Thank You
Planned Giving Thank You

Planned Giving Thank You

Thank you to our generous givers for your ongoing support of our Parish! Our Planned Giving and collections are for -parish operating expenses, church maintenance, clergy support and presbytery support. If you are a new parishioner or now in a position to give there are many ways to give to our church needs.

Mary Bowmans 90th Birthday Celebration
Mary Bowmans 90th Birthday Celebration

Mary Bowmans 90th Birthday Celebration

After Sunday Mass on 8 January, it was the pleasure of the people of St Augustine’s Kyabram, to honour esteemed parishioner, Mary Bowman, for her 90th birthday, with morning tea with cake in the church’s gathering space. This was a great opportunity to acknowledge Mary’s lifelong faith-filled service to the parish and school community – and indeed the wider community and district.

A New Year Message from Bishop Shane Mackinlay.
A New Year Message from Bishop Shane Mackinlay.

A New Year Message from Bishop Shane Mackinlay.

As we begin this new year, we can be confident that 2023 will bring more challenges as well as more opportunities. To respond to them, we will need to draw on the strength and resources of our shared life in families and communities.


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